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Craftwork last won the day on February 28 2019

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About Craftwork

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  1. Thanks man! Just figured I'd give people a brief look at my life outside of RSPS. ?
  2. You should update it! I'm sure players would love to see your progress, even if it's WAYYYY delayed of an update! Thanks guys! I've made so much progress in the last 2 weeks. Uwotm9. Not my fault Nex loves you and hates me. :C
  3. 1. What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? The ever growing community and the absolutely wonderful staff/dev team we have in place, to make this server the best home I've ever been a part of. ^_^ 2. Tag at least one other player that has made your Ataraxia experience enjoyable and tell us why! @Will @Exoz @E36 @Arachnid @Hot Milo @Nut @Nemesis @the flow just to name a few. These players and staff members have made this home the best home I've ever found for a number of reasons. They're always so helpful and kind, and tend to always have the greatest attitudes. I love being a
  4. Welcome nemi! It's been fun crackin up with ya ingame so far! Love to see you hit your goals for our server. Enjoy ^_^ ❤️
  5. Craftwork


    Welcome to my humble abode, Bust a Nut! ❤️ Enjoy your stay and don't die! ^_^
  6. GREAT work guys. Keep it up. I know you guys were working hard this week for this update! ^_^ +1 ❤️
  7. Yessir. I'm slowly getting closer and closer. ^_^ And ty bb; wonder who let me borrow it for the screenshot. ?‍♂️
  8. GREAT work, team! Love the update! Looking forward to bigger and better content coming in the future; you guys never seem to let us down when it comes to server additions! +1
  9. Incredible and detailed guide! Keep up the great work! Very informative!
  10. Very nice guide. Detailed and helpful. Thanks for your creation! ^_^ Keep up the good work man. +1
  11. Great update. Love the ecto and the imbued gear. Such great additions to the server, and I've heard such good things about the next upcoming update for sometime next week guys. Keep up the good work, dev team! +1
  12. Jesus I completely skipped right over that part. :HUE: Either way. Good luck and high hopes with everything IRL! ^_^ Hope to see you back sometime soon bud.
  13. Welcome to Ataraxia, Fapple! I look forward to seeing you around ingame, and look forward to being able to grind Legendary with ya. We need more Legendaries. ? #LegendarySquad
  14. Hey guys! So I've been on the server since pre-reset, and pretty steadily since the relaunch, and I've yet to introduce myself though everyone pretty much knows about me. However, I'm just gonna delve a little deeper into myself as a person instead of an Ataraxia player so maybe you guys could get to know me a little more and we could find more things to connect on and talk about. To start, my name's Nick, and I'm 20 years old (21 in May; can't come fast enough xD). I'm from Nashville TN, but recently moved to Louisville KY over some personal shit that I had to take care of over the cour
  15. Also, sorry for the second reply, but I do believe we should think of a few events we could add to the list of events we can put on the calendar. I do believe we should focus more on community-based events rather than pure giveaways like Trivia/DP. Though it does help newer players get some supplies and cheap gear, I feel it shouldn't be as often, and we should have more events along the lines of bringing the community together like boss masses and stuff. Or even maybe something like a skilling hour, where there could be a system implemented. Something like so: Possibly for each skilling

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