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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/19 in Posts

  1. Hey guys! So I've been on the server since pre-reset, and pretty steadily since the relaunch, and I've yet to introduce myself though everyone pretty much knows about me. However, I'm just gonna delve a little deeper into myself as a person instead of an Ataraxia player so maybe you guys could get to know me a little more and we could find more things to connect on and talk about. To start, my name's Nick, and I'm 20 years old (21 in May; can't come fast enough xD). I'm from Nashville TN, but recently moved to Louisville KY over some personal shit that I had to take care of over the cour
    2 points
  2. Hello my fellow Ataraxians! So, I've decided to do a little fun giveaway on the forums to give back to the community. While doing so, I would love to see what you guys have to say as a response to this giveaway! You are all appreciated and this is just a little something to make sure you all know that. Please respond to the following questions in this thread. 1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? 2: Tag at least one other player who has made your Ataraxia experience enjoyable & tell us why! Rewards 3 Winners : $15 Store Credit Each Give
    1 point
  3. Thanks man! Just figured I'd give people a brief look at my life outside of RSPS. ?
    1 point
  4. Hey guys; I used to have a Goals page up but I think I ended up deleting it when I went through a lot of personal matters thinking I wouldn't be on for quite some time, and I finally decided I would make a new one! I'm gonna be listing my goals for my Legendary account, including skills/drops/etc. If you guys could think of any other reputable goals that I haven't or aren't in here, feel free to leave some feedback! All is welcome! I will leave an update section at the bottom so you guys can keep track of what all changes each time I update this post, which will probably be about once a
    1 point
  5. 1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? Its still alive 2: Tag at least one other player who has made your Ataraxia experience enjoyable & tell us why! Id gladly put here myself, thanks Snix.
    1 point
  6. Favorite thing has to the generous, friendly community with a close second being getting 99 smithing ?. I've only been here this weekend but there are so many people. @Craftwork gave me 1000s of dragon bones for 99 prayer. I found out one of my old mate @The Chef plays this server. @Will for doing a kickass give away. Finally thx to Typo for shooting the shit and convincing me to get 99 div. I'm sorry if I missed anyone, I blame the sleep deprivation from 4x xp ?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. good shit mah man reminds me of my goals post that's been abandoned lol
    1 point
  9. Hello everyone i am Timebrawler i have been lurking in the shadows of ataraxia for well over a year now and as you all know 2018 wasn't the best year for ataraxia activity wise so i kept a low profile as i saw the team was planning on revamping the server for a new release, so here is my official introduction I'm Timebrawler i'm from central usa im 22 turning 23 in a couple months, i play alot of rs3 oh and i'm more of a Forums/Discord type than ingame so chances are you might never see me ingame ? Hoping to make some new friends here ^^ i know it's a short intro but h
    1 point
  10. Well you obviously can't go past Scott becoming a true alpha & Dark stiles but.. First season was amazing. 3rd season was amazing with the pack of Alphas. Deucalion was the best villain of the whole show.
    1 point
  11. Welcome to Ataraxia.. Hope you enjoy the server. Allison obviously. Scalisson all the way. Kira is a horrible character.
    1 point
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