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Defender Upgrades

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1: Corrupted Defenderlzjpx.png
1. In order to start upgrading to the higher tier defenders, you MUST have a Dragon defender first. This can be obtained the same way as in either RS3 or OSRS.
2. Once you have your Dragon defender, head to Barrows (Quest Tab > Minigame teleports)
3. KEEP YOUR DRAGON DEFENDER EQUIPPED OR IN YOUR INVENTORY (You can't receive the upgrade piece without it!)
4. Keep doing barrows until you receive a Corruption sigil, and then either buy or loot a Dharoks' greataxe, Torag's hammers, Guthan's spear or Verac's flail from the chest. The drop rate of the sigil starts at 1/75 and becomes 5% less for every brother killed, to a maximum rate of 1/50.
5. Once you have both a weapon and the sigil, click on the sigil with one of the above weapons in your inventory. Choose "Melee / defender" to get your Tier 70 Corrupted defender. This will consume the sigil and the weapon, but keep your Dragon defender.
2: Ancient Defender vols2s.png2nsyi3d.png
This defender is arguably the hardest to get, requiring not only an item received from killing Nex, but also an untradeable item that takes 125 Trivia Points to get.
1. Gear up and head to Nex in the God Wars Dungeon. (Quest Tab > Bosses > God Wars Dungeon)
2. KEEP YOUR CORRUPTED DEFENDER EQUIPPED OR IN YOUR INVENTORY (You can't receive the upgrade piece without it!)
3. Kill Nex until you receive an Ancient emblem. The drop rate is a solid 1/60 and does not scale with your gamemode.
4. You're not done there, however. You need to acquire a Chaotic splint by participating in Trivia which pops up in the chatbox every 3-6 minutes.
5. Collect 125 Trivia Points and head over to the Wise Old Man who owns the Trivia store.
6. Buy a Chaotic splint from him, and then click on the emblem with your splint in your inventory.
7. Choose "Melee / defender" to get your Tier 80 Ancient defender. This will consume BOTH the splint and emblem, but you will still keep your previous defenders.

3: Kalphite Defender2n08wvd.png
The last step on your journey for the T90 Defender.
1. Gear up and head to the Kalphite King. (Quest Tab > Bosses > Kalphite King)
2. KEEP YOUR ANCIENT DEFENDER EQUIPPED OR IN YOUR INVENTORY (You can't receive the upgrade piece without it!)
3. Kill the Kalphite King until you receive Perfect chitin. The drop rate is a solid 1/65 and does not scale with your gamemode.
4. Simply click on the Perfect chitin with your Ancient defender in your inventory. This will consume ONLY the chitin. You'll still have your Ancient defender.

[This guide came from old forums - i did not write]

Edited by Ardougne
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