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$30 Giveaway! (2 Winners $15 Each)

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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? The community definitely is the best part about Ataraxia. I feel as if we're all friends, joke around on topics, Kind staff - though it may not appear on my side of the story; but i definitely can tell it's a joke when it comes around. My other favorite thing about Ataraxia is how long i stuck around, 2 1/2 years means a lot to me and possibly to Jaedmo that i'm very loyal and how much we've all had, staff team or not. We've had our days.

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on? If anything, CONTENT, as being around for many years - It's not very fun doing the same thing over and over again. This may be appearant to all of you, as it's been more of a reason as to why a few Staff Members stepped down already. It just became a growing problem. 

In-game name: Loure ?

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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia?

My favorite thing is how good the eco is and the PvM

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on?

I really enjoy the server and how it is currently, I have had no problems with it so far besides not knowing to bring a dragon defender with you to barrows for sigil lol


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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia?  - staff is awsme always trying to help and economy make me remember when i play rs at 2012 =D

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on?  can add/enable pvp and boost mage in game, since off hand are added make them better

making like drygore off hand  ascencion off hand crossbow, fixing divination xp rate drop  and try fix vote system most of the times we cant vote in all 5 websites,  fixind tormented deamons they to easy to kill and legio boss same think to easy to make a ascencion cb

 ingame  namedevilshark08

ps: this one off the best if not the best server i ever played im nerding so mutch on this game =D


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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? The updates to be honest there's no signs of slowing and and reading the patch notes makes me very happy

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on? General bugginess of the server just fixing the smallest of glitches to make everything just really refined

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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia?

The versatility of skilling how one skill helps achieve possible levels in another, for example the thiev stalls give out gems ect for crafting helps alot 

but most players dont actually notice.

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on? 

Staff. Honestly some staff are great there is one person in particular that i dont think should be staff due to his methods for

fixing situations he swears doesnt listen or pay any attention to the situation. i think he should be demoted and im sure there are many people who agree.

Ign: Drakei

Edited by drakei

drake (2).png


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Fav thing - Community / Achiev Diary

How can Ataraxia improve? - I think the player base could grow if there were consistent community events advertised for 100-200$ p/mo (PvP Tourny) / (Kots winner of the month 100$ gift card/paypal w/e) It would allow more people to pass through Ataraxia/tell a friend etc

Add a leadboard for bosses/npcs/clue scroll leaderboard etc ingame similar to donator leadboard < more players interacting with the game with possibly goals to obtain 

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1: What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia? The diversity in gameplay, it allows you to play how you want and to choose your play style accordingly, wether it be the fact that you want to play slow or fast. The constant development is also a bonus.

2: What is one thing that Ataraxia can improve on? Could add innovative ideas to the server to make them so much more different from other servers, allowing it to become more unique as a whole. 


Ingame Name: D R E A M

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