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Ataraxia Updates #54 - 1st March 2024

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[+] General Changes

- Improved the dialogue for new accounts to easily choose a referrer/YouTuber and receive the T70 set
- Increased the stock of Ataraxia dollars in the Trivia shop
- Increased the stock of Dragonstone necklaces in the Donor shop
- The Magic zuk cape affect will now give you +20% damage instead of 100% accuracy if you're using Dual wield weapons
- Buffed the rates of some of the rarer rewards from Hard clue scrolls
- Added Crawling hand drop to Crawling hands
- Added a filter to the message stating Slayer level requirements for Sophanem slayer dungeon monsters
- Added all new Proteans to the GIM Bank whitelist
- Changed the colour of the message of your Defence skillcape returning you to life
- Added all Perfect plus potions and Crystal Acorn/Blossom to the GIM Bank whitelist
- Added Soul reaper refresh functionality
- Event Tokens are now tradeable and can be traded through the Grand exchange
- You can now re-join existing Platinum instances instead of them disappearing when you leave
- Increased the price of Platinum instance creation from 150k/250k/300k to 300k/500k/750k for Master/Diamond/Platinum members respectively
- Sana's fyrtorch will now work with Wonky tree (will give the same rates as Yew trees for arrow tips)
- Tagga's corehammer will now work with Blurite rock (will give the same rates as Necrite rocks for arrow tips)
- Wonky tree now has a 5% chance to give Elder logs
- You can now use ;;scan to toggle the Sheldon scan option
- Spirit attraction potions now last 15 minutes
- Added Nihils to the Platinum instances
- You can now respawn Legio bosses immediately after killing the previous one
- Smelting gauntlets and Cooking gauntlets now function with the Costume box Perk tree perk
- Fight Kiln waves will now spawn quicker and move quicker through the arena
- Added a 30% chance to get 2x the amount of Deathspore arrow tips while using Tagga's corehammer 
- You will now receive missing (if you are) maul pieces on the final phase of Vorago if you haven't picked them up or missed a piece
- Added a ;;noobsown and ;;wr3ckedyou command to open their respective YouTube channels
- Nerfed the chance of receiving completed caskets from Scripture of Bik from 20%/15%/10%/8%/5%/2%/1% to 12.5%/10%/7.5%/5%/3%/2%/1% for Master/Diamond/Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze/Non-donor



[+] 'Accidental' Fletching & Firemaking

- 'Accidental' Fletching and Firemaking is here!
- You can access this content through the teleport menu (ctrl-t or ;;t):



- 'Accidental' Fletching and Firemaking is quite simple! There are 3 activities you can do in the area and all require a few different things, I'll do my best to explain them all!

[+] Seggregation

- You can start this by collecting eggs from the Pile of dinosaur eggs located right next to the teleport spot:


- This will slowly fill your inventory with two different items:


- Good eggs can be utilised! Take these to the West and Incubate them at the Fast incubator:


- This will grant Firemaking experience and spawn a cute little dinosaur!
- You will also receive Sharp shell shards, the use of which will be detailed later in the thread
- Alternatively to the East, you can take your Bad eggs to the Fast compost bin to Compost them:


- This will also grant Firemaking experience and Sharp shell shards!


[+] Zygomite Carestyling

- You can start Zygomite Carestyling to the East of the teleport
- There will be 3 Zygomites begging for a style, they'll have an expiration bar where after it is emptied, they'll leave and another will replace them!


- You can configure the Zygomites to determine which care style you'd like to implement:


- Cut and Dry granting both Fletching and Firemaking experience, or just Cut or just Dry for Fletching/Firemaking respectively
- Doing this action will grant you experience as well as Tempered fungal shafts! Which will be detailed further down:


- While caring for the Zygomites you can also receive unchecked Zygomites to use in your Player Owned Farms


[+] Eggspermination

- Finally, we have the most tedious activity, Eggspermination
- You can access this activity by using the Mystical tree to the East:


- You'll then want to collect Rootlesaurus Rex from the Storm barn:


- You'll then notice each of the Rex's has a tooltip of what they need to be fed and when:


- There are 4 food troughs around this area that you will need:


- You will need to feed the Rex's to progress them:


- To put it bluntly, you're beefing them up for the slaughter (more experience)
- Once you've fed them 4 times, they can be squeezed to make Fertiliser:


- Which can then be ignited to grant Firemaking experience and Dinosaur 'propellant':



- Now I'll explain each of the items and their uses!

[+] Sharp shell shard


- Sharp shell shards are predominantly used as a component to make Dinarrows (which will be detailed as well)
- However, you can also use them as a stackable Firemaking item!


- They're quite good for AFK Firemaking training! Giving approximately 3 minutes of AFK time


[+] Tempered fungal shaft


- These shafts act as the 'Arrow shafts' for Dinarrows:


- They can also be spun at a Spinning wheel to make stackable bowstrings:




[+] Dinosaur 'propellant'


- Dinosaur 'propellant' is the Feather part of a regular arrow but for Dinarrows:


 - The Ultracompost part of this is not added, as there isn't much use on Ataraxia.


[+] Dinarrows

- Dinarrows are, by themselves, Tier 95 arrows:


- However, as stated you can charge them with resonant anima to upgrade them into extremely powerful arrows

[+] Bik arrows

- Bik arrows can be obtained by charging Dinarrows with 45 Resonant anima of Bik:


- Bik arrows have a passive effect:




[+] Jas arrows

- Jas arrows can be obtained by charging Dinarrows with 45 Resonant anima of Jas:


- Jas arrows have a passive effect:


- You can also use Tune Banite Ore to convert these arrows to Demonbane:



[+] Ful arrows

- Ful arrows can be obtained by charging Dinarrows with 45 Resonant anima of Ful:


- Ful arrows have a passive effect:



[+] Wen arrows

- Wen arrows can be obtained by charging Dinarrows with 45 Resonant anima of Wen:


- Wen arrows have a passive effect:


- Wanting to see how these arrows go first before making any drastic changes/buffs :)


[+] Slayer Task Teleport Scrolls

- Slayer task locations are generally people's first question on the server, "Where is this?", "Where is that?", I've been wanting to add something to help with that for quite a while
- Finally got around to doing it!
- New players will now start with 15 of these scrolls, meaning they can in theory teleport to up to 15 Slayer tasks:


- The first option 'Teleport' will come up with a warning confirmation dialogue:


- Alternatively, the second option 'Quick-teleport' will instantly teleport you to the task:


- If you run out or don't have any, you can easily buy them from the Vote Shop and Trivia shop for 1 point each:



- I'm hoping this really helps the new-player experience and also more experienced players wanting to save some time as well!


[+] Archaeology Teleport Scroll

- A new Store item: Archaeology Teleport Scroll can be used to teleport to all of the Material caches around the game with a simple click!
- This includes all of the caches:




- Similarly to the Amulet of Farming, this scroll costs $7 and can be purchased in-game or from the Store
- Or alternatively from the Vote shop for 25 Vote points and the Trivia shop for 75 Trivia points



[+] Dave's Spellbook

- You can now buy Dave's spellbook from the Store Items shop ($7), Vote shop (25 vote points) or the Trivia shop (75 Trivia points)
- This book can be utilised to teleport to new locations!
- You can obtain teleport tabs from the Shopkeeper at ctrl-s or ;;shops and then chip them by using them on the Spellbook:


- You can then store these teleports inside the book, which can be placed in your pocket:


- Chipping the teleports allows you to utilise the tabs for a different location than you ordinarily would:

'Chipped' Varrock teleport: Varrock museum
'Chipped' Watchtower teleport: Observatory
'Chipped' Lumbridge teleport: South of the Lumbridge crater
'Chipped' Camelot teleport: Catherby docks
'Chipped' Ardougne teleport: West Ardougne
'Chipped' Falador teleport: Southern Falador gate

- Enjoy the clue scroll hunting


[+] De-ironing Improvement

- Previously, de-ironing required an Admin to help, now it is automated
- All regular ironmen (not GIM/HCIM) can now De-iron using Mr. Ex at ;;shops:


- This is free of charge and can be done at any point in your Ironman career, however, as stated above, is irreversible!


[+] Bug Reports

- Fixed Animate dead not requiring any runes
- Fixed an issue causing the amount you have stolen in one day being inaccurate
- Fixed Hellhound familiar only blocking 10% of damage instead of 20%
- Fixed Zammy pet displaying the person examining's enrage instead of the Pet owner's enrage
- Fixed being able to teleport to Prif without requirements with Slayer cape
- Fixed Crystal chest signpost displaying the wrong coin amounts
- Fixed Precious gem thieving contract
- Fixed Automaton drop rates for the Tracking, Pneumatic and Static gloves
- Fixed WildyWyrm not dropping items if he's burrowed
- Fixed Zenity not being a correct answer for Favourite Admin trivia question
- Fixed Dwarven mine ladders sending you into the air
- Fixed Vote point announcement stating 4 instead of 5 after the Vote reward change
- Fixed Reaper's choice description to be more clear
- Fixed Tormented demons not being an option with Reaper's choice
- Fixed WildyWyrm not counting towards Lava strykewyrm tasks
- Fixed cocoon override getting stuck if you teleport from the Araxxor fight while cocooned
- Fixed an issue causing Dungeoneering notes to open a broken interface
- Fixed an issue with the new day or new week handler (thing that handles Event enjoyer reset), it'll now reset weekly on Sunday
- Fixed an issue causing ECB spec not working after unequipping the EoF


Keep up to date on Ataraxia 2 through our Discord: https://discord.gg/yuKh6Qt/

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