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What is Donator Total?

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What is donator total?

Donator total/total donated/donated is the total sum of amount you have spent in the game from either buying perks, rare mystery boxes, ataraxia coins etc.


You can view what perks and total donated amount is by typing in the command ;;perks

You can also view your total donated under the noticeboard icon v9dus8q.png


People tend to sell their donor total if they feel like it. NOTE! It only gives you the respective donator RANK. Perks would have to be bought separately by spending the actually dollars.

How can i obtain donator total?

Method 1

You can donate with real life money and then proceed to buy mentioned above the perks, rare mystery boxes etc.

Method 2

 Buying other players donator total. This method is quite popular for players who have purchased the complete perk package and want to just reach the master donator rank.

This can be done by finding yourself a player who is willing to trade their donator total for ingame GP.

Example: A player named RichDog is selling his donator total in the amount of 1000 dollars. You the buyer only want to purchase 250$ cause that's all you need to reach master rank without spending anymore real life money, so you two make a deal for the amount 1$ for 5m gp which would end out to be 1,25B GP, but you have to provide the scroll. What is the scroll? It is a Donation total transfer scroll that costs 25 Ataraxian Dollars (Not to be confused with donator total dollar but the ingame item dollars). This can be bought from the store on the website or from the ingame store. There have been situations where the seller also provides the scroll but for a increased price 1$ per x Mil gp.

Method 3

 Playing the game. 

1. Voting.

2. PvM

3. Trivia.

Players also sell dollars in the grand exchange. (ironmen just make a alt to buy them and then use the dollars on your account)


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