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Posts posted by Raspberry


    FashionScape has always been one of my favorite community events to take part in. I'm so excited to see it return, along with all the creativity everyone brings to their outfits. Every submission has a different flair and personality to it, which is really intriguing to look at.

    Best of luck to the other participants! This was fun! ?

    Glacor Cave Spinaround 2.gif

    Sang Smug Pic 3 (GifCam).gif

    Celebrate Crystal Shape 1.gif

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  2. This is a lovely update. I'm very eager to experience for myself all of these changes and additions.

    What with Auras which I never thought I'd be interested in again after exchanging for the few that I use so many months ago, and then never again giving the shop a moment's notice. Not to forget Skilling Contracts (I'm slightly biased in my support of this system), which I absolutely adore, so seeing its content expand will only lengthen my lasting enjoyment as a whole. Being able to revitalize older content is always really sweet to see, not to mention rather difficult, especially for things that have garnered a lull in interest.

    My thanks to the developers and everyone involved for such a refreshing batch of updates. I really appreciate the consistent and creative quality of the work that you've put out. ?


    [1] What is your favorite thing about Ataraxia?

    Innumerous times before, Ataraxia has always enticed me to come back, even when I would feel as though I'd already played out most of my interests. And while I’m far from consistent, the server itself has practically always been a constant. From weekly additions and changes to the core game, and regularly bringing everyone up-to-date via the Discord or the Forums... Goodness, even group activities and events have become a more scheduled and common thing now. It feels alien to me, how much it’s changed in just a few months. It’s really heartwarming, to see how the framework has only continued to build and flourish.

    And, well, it's really always a surprise, to come back, and to find that the players are still friendly and jovial, just as they used to be, only a few months prior. Well, for the most part. Even when real-life (oops, broke the immersion) can be taxing, I occasionally pop in and look around every once in a while, and there's a very familiar, comforting nostalgia that I feel, where silly, happy memories of conversation and skilling just scramble in my mind, and I can think, "Yay, I'm back home. In my 'second' home, but still. Home 2.0!" Somehow, even with so many new faces every time, it still happens. It's indescribably comforting, and a relief that the environment's still so healthy.

    Oh! I'm getting off-track, so here's my actual favorite thing. What most consistently tops my favorite things (I think) are the staff members. I'm not kissing up, mind you. Every single member of the team, and I do not say that loosely, are at the very least... adequate. I'm kidding, they're really nice! About as nice as you could hope for. They're prompt and good-natured, which, in turn, makes me even more so. It's contagious! And just gets me giddy that the players themselves seem more open and active, too, and as a whole, the whole atmosphere benefits.

    I haven’t played many servers, so my experience is at the ‘bottom of the barrel’, but from what I’ve heard, communities in general tend to be... maybe the most rowdy part of servers in general, and if not, negligent management from higher-ups. But that’s not a concern at all for me here. And while the community isn’t everything, I have a feeling it could make or break a fun experience, so cheers to you, Ataraxia, for not bumping into me and making me fall off the counter.

    TL;DR: Players are nice, the staff are nice, the developers are nice—people are nice.

    [2] Tag at least one other player who has made your Ataraxia experience enjoyable & tell us why!

    I've encountered much too many personalities to count. I think my temple might be heating up from trying to think of all of them and what they've done for me, so I'll simmer down before I get a headache. Anyway, pardon my fuzzy memory, but here they are below. Those special few. Ahem.


    From when he was first promoted to blue and appointed as Mister 'Question Guy' this past autumn, he has since been so very accommodating whenever he helps me or others. I really think of him as a valuable player, who I always see to be in high spirits. I don't think it's unfair to say he's beloved by so many others, me included. And although everyone has their sunny and gloomy periods, he still manages to cheer me up, even whilst answering my boring questions. I think he has charisma or something. And I look forward to asking him many more questions, not just as a staff member, but as an arachnid, too.

    @Dice or 'Not Dice' or 'something-that-is-and-isn't' Dice

    I've known Dice to be very outgoing, and a bit of a jokester, who knows what buttons to push to annoy me or make me 'exhale audibly' in jest. I'm not particularly easy to garner a chuckle out of, so that's an achievement of sorts. Because when he does manage it, it leaves a lasting impression on me. I don't know if he's still active, but I'll remember him. Surely, I will.


    This player in particular was someone I'd met before the relaunch, in Ataraxia's first iteration, but even so, it wouldn't feel right to leave him out. Nope, nada. Adam was a player I'd spent a significant portion of my time cooperating with, whether it was in bossing, skilling, Shooting Stars, more Shooting Stars, or actively trying to blow 100,000 fishbowls and failing simultaneously. I couldn't list all of the things, really. There's too many! Anyway, if it wasn't for him, I might have not have been so motivated to return for the relaunch. I think that alone should say enough, wouldn't you think? Also, that's a rhetorical question, don't answer that, please.


    Igor has been amongst my favorite players to talk to and debate nonsensical gibberish with, whenever and however long it lasted. One of the sweetest and most endearing players I've met, he is one of the primary reasons I still play, even if I don't see him on too often. Ha, I mean, not that I'm active or anything, so I can't be the judge of that. Even so, I'm really grateful to him. Even to his witty dialogue and sigh-inducing humor. I was able to look past that.


    Y'know, it's been so long that I'd almost forgotten him! My most competitive rival, who I'd raced with up the Hiscores lists. Granted, we were both on Novice mode, but still... Don't judge us! Loki was someone I can attribute a substantial amount of credit to in my lasting interesting in playing. When I first started out, it was as a skiller, and while I was really unsure about the decision since it was so limiting, he provided me a plethora of encouragement to go with it. We'd exchanged countless tips, tricks, methods, you name it (don't actually name any, please), so it was a weird, friendly... Huh. It wasn't actually a rivalry, was it...? Still... I'll cherish the fun "competition".


    Both one of my favorite staff members of the past, as well as 'conversation partner person', Multiply was almost always my go-to person to ask for advice. Though I'm not completely sure he was actually worthy of being treated as a wise sage... Come to think of it, I'm surprised he hadn't gotten annoyed by my 'lists' of questions and questions coupled with said questions. He was always so patient and pleasant to be around. I suppose he was a "teacher" or sorts. Aha, yes, I think it's fair to refer to him as such.

    It goes without saying (although I'm still saying it for some reason) that there are plenty others that I'd add, but my blocks of text are already taking up a sizable amount of surface area, so I should wrap this up. But I wouldn't bet against the possibility that this list will continue to grow beyond this, as there have been plenty of players who have been so courteous, kind, and generous to me and others. Those listed above were truly the ones who really pushed my enjoyment just a level further. Maybe they just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Maybe it was that, even if they don't know it. And perhaps I might even have, unbeknownst to me, helped someone else enjoy playing even more. I dunno'.

    More importantly, they all really helped me become more open, since I was never much for conversations in general, and usually kept to myself, so I greatly appreciate them for being such friendly, inviting humans. Yes, thank you. Thank you, you silly gooses.


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