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Arachnid last won the day on August 10 2019

Arachnid had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

62 Excellent

About Arachnid

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  1. I suppose it's technically an item, yet technically not at the same time, but the remaining skilling pets for combat skills being added would bring me GREAT JOY.
  2. Hope you enjoy your time here with everyone! ?
  3. I'll be sure to try and save the date for this, don't want to miss it again. ?
  4. Your tenacity feeds motivation to me to day by day. Maybe I'll start the grind again sometime soon. Who knows? Keep up the hard work! ?
  5. Arachnid


    Welcome to the party. Hope you've been having a good time so far! ?
  6. F. Taken away from the world too soon.
  7. Glad we could have you back! Hope you have a great time playing with all of us. ?
  8. Certified flounder connoisseur. Much respect. ?
  9. Welcome back to the server! Hope you have a great time while you're here, even if it's just through discord or forums. ?
  10. Melee spelled wrong, guide ruined. May as well throw in the towel. ?
  11. Arachnid

    Hello :P

    Seen you around on the forums and online. Welcome officially; hope you've been having fun so far!
  12. Welcome to the little party we got going on! Glad we could have you. ?
  13. I know that name..! Welcome to the party. ?
  14. I look forward to your rise to GLORY. Don't skimp or wait on divine locations to level up Hunter and Farming. ?
  15. I'm not familiar on the specifics of the previous stats and how much they were nerfed, but I would only ask that you take into consideration that the GWD 2 weapons are designed traditionally to have t90 accuracy and t80 power. I can't say for certain that every GWD 2 weapon we have follows this system but if not, I would certainly advocate for it. I know we have a lot of stats for weapons and armors "custom" made; but if you feel like the system of stats isn't quite right, there's no need to claim someone with extensive playtime is ignorant about the game. Instead just offer your criticisms co

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