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A short guide on Evil Trees!

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Hi! This is a short guide that will explain everything there is to know about evil trees and why they are so awesome.
Want to follow this guide on discord? https://discord.gg/zKpvme
This guide contains:

  • Why do evil trees
  • The requirements
  • The mechanics
  • Locating a tree
  • Additional rewards

Why do evil trees

Evil trees are by far the best farming, woodcutting and firemaking xp, and also giving you a little fletching, prayer and herblore bonuses.
A novice player could get in all these skills with just 3 evil tree events.
An evil tree will spawn about every 4 hours. It will prompt a game message, for example: An Evil Tree [magic] is glowing due west of the town you call Lumbridge. (more info about where they spawn in locations)

The requirements

Each evil tree will have respective requirements. The rake able evil tree patch to the side will not have a requirement, and will give a good amount of farming xp for lower levels to get started.

  Farming Woodcutting Firemaking
Evil tree 1 1 1
Evil oak tree 7 15 15
Evil willow tree 15 30 30
Evil maple tree 22 45 45
Evil yew tree 30 60 60
Evil magic tree 37 75 75
Evil elder tree 42 90 90

The mechanics

To get there simply go to the place, you can also type ::eviltree to be teleported, but this costs 500k or 15 skilling tickets, unless you have the perk which makes it free.
First there will be 4 sapling stages, each lasting 10 minutes. This will give a ton of farming xp.
After these 4 stages the main tree event will begin. Firstly you have to chop the roots to the side, giving great woodcutting xp, and evil tree kindling.
After chopping down a side the middle can be accessed, either chop it for even more woodcutting xp, and evil bark, or burn the kindling on it for firemaking xp.


Farming the sapling will give evil herbs, WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
The kindlings you obtained can be used on the evil tree for firemaking xp, or with a quickshafter (see rewards) for fletching xp.
The bark obtained from the cutting the evil tree is similar to normal logs, they can be lit for firemaking xp, higher tier than elders.
When the tree is grown (and no longer a sapling) the side patch will have evil dust, which can be scattered (on an altar) for prayer xp, or combined with the evil herbs for herblore xp.

The evil tree, when grown, will have a total health, which is based on the tier of the tree. Once the tree has been defeated, you will be able to claim a reward, based on how much you participated. From my experience if you do about half of the total hp you get rewards for 100% potential. 
As soon as a sapling spawns, the 4h timer will start for a new tree, it doesn't matter for the tree to be defeated or ignored and timed out for the time to spawn a next tree. So if you are only willing to do elders you can simply just ignore all the others.

Locating a tree

As mentioned before you can teleport with ::eviltree or read the hint and figure yourself.
The locations and their hints are the same on rs3, so here is the official wiki for this list.

Additional rewards

At the end you will be rewarded, based on the percentage you helped, and the tier of the tree. You can expect:

  • Basic supplies (herbs, seeds, planks, nests, etc)
  • Skilling tickets
  • Prismatic lamp (bonus xp until it runs out)
  • Proteines (planks and logs)
  • Crystal key
  • Quickshafter (used to fletch the kindling, and fletch logs to arrow shafts faster than regular speed)
  • Magic secateurs (increase yield from all patches)
  • Evil tree teleport (teleports you to the active evil tree free of charge)
  • Evil seeds (create a private evil tree instance, any time)
Edited by Nyemma
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