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Hybrid tokens & armors

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Hybird tokens are a rare currency that can be exchanged for T85 armor.
You can receive them from the following bosses & activities:

Example: 1:35 = 1 in 35 chance of receiving a token.

Nex - 1:135
Telos - 1:75
Solak - 1:75
Vorago - 1:26
Raksha - 1:75
Araxxor - 1:75
Croesus - 1:75
Nex: AoD - 1:94
Legiones - 1:337
Arch-Glacor - 1:187
The Magister - 1:337
Kalphite King - 1:187
Corporeal Beast 1:262
Shadow Reef (ed3) - 1:26
Queen Black Dragon - 1:262
Arch-Glacor Hard Mode: 1:75
Temple of Aminishi (ed1) - 1:26
Barrows: Rise of the Six - 1:131
Dragonkin Laboratory (ed2) - 1:26

Hybrid tokens are separate from the npc/activity drop table and are not influenced by any drop rate modifiers.

Drop rates are configured to take 150-200 hours of gameplay to complete one set from any of the above sources.


There are 3 sets to complete, one for each combat type:

Vanguard (melee):      Trickster (ranged):      Battle-mage (magic):

nxt flex

Helm (5 tokens): +2% damage, +297 armor, +32 hp
Body (7 tokens): +3% damage, +341 armor, +64 hp
Legs (7 tokens): +3% damage, +326 armor, +48 hp
Gloves (3 tokens): +1% damage, +68 armor
Boots (3 tokens): +1% damage, +68 armor
Full set (25 tokens): +10% damage, +1100 armor, +144 hp

More Information:

Hybrid tokens and the armor pieces are untradeable.

While worn, each piece of armor will give you bonus damage toward its combat type.

Set pieces can be mixed to provide bonus damage for more than one combat type at a time.

The helm, body & legs provide a small boost to your maximum health while worn.

All armor pieces are non-degradeable, meaning you never need to repair them.

None of the armor pieces provide prayer bonus - it is sacrificed for increased damage.

The Hybrid shop can be accessed by interacting with a hybrid token when it's in your inventory.

gl & hf grinding.


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