1.My favorite thing about Ataraxia is the chill vibe everyone has, it seems to be a really good community that's very helpful. I've gotten a lot of help from players like arachnid, the flow, my brother liridonx92 and many others. bossing is fun, and I like the grind of trying to get good gear.
2. my @liridonx92, for helping me out in the game, and doing bosses with me
@Arachnid, for teaching my a lot about the game and helping me start out
@the flow for helping me get skills up and helping a lot of the community out when ever I see someone needing help he's there helping them.
Forum Event
in General Discussion
1.My favorite thing about Ataraxia is the chill vibe everyone has, it seems to be a really good community that's very helpful. I've gotten a lot of help from players like arachnid, the flow, my brother liridonx92 and many others. bossing is fun, and I like the grind of trying to get good gear.
2. my @liridonx92, for helping me out in the game, and doing bosses with me
@Arachnid, for teaching my a lot about the game and helping me start out
@the flow for helping me get skills up and helping a lot of the community out when ever I see someone needing help he's there helping them.