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Heart of Gielinor - God wars 2 guide

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God Wars Dungeon 2 Guide

Getting There:

To teleport to God Wars Dungeon 2:Quest tab > Bosses > Last page of bosses > The Heart

Map of The Heart for reference

The Camps

Once you arrive in the entrance area you will notice a large tree to the North, outside of which Soothsayer Sibil stands as an NPC used for battling and interacting with Telos (for a guide on Telos refer to #telos). You will also notice the 4 Chosen of each of the warring gods, standing next to their allocated banners.

Furies' Chosen
Vindicta's Chosen
Gregorovic's Chosen
Helwyr's Chosen

From each of the bosses you will receive seals. You will use those seals on these NPCs to gain reputation in opposing factions. Each seal awards 5 reputation.
I highly recommend you start with Twin Furies since they're the easiest of the GWD2 bosses. After Twin Furies I would suggest going to Gregorovic, the second easiest GWD2 boss. Alternate between the two bosses until you have 5,000 reputation in both factions, which will increase your drop rate to 100% for maximum rare drops. After this you can easily camp at either boss to farm GWD items for chime while collecting seals to earn the other factions reputation.

Reputation Rewards
100      25% Drop chance increase
1,000    50% Drop chance increase
2,000    Armour upgrading
3,500    75% Drop chance increase from
4,500    50% Reduction in required kill count
5,000    100% Drop chance increase
These rewards are specific to each faction, so if you have a 100% rate through Helwyr's Chosen, for example, you would have a 100% drop rate increase at Helwyr only.


Located in the South East corner of The Heart lies Seren's Encampment. Here you will find the entrance to fight Helwyr, her general. It requires level 80 Magic to enter and contains a portal to the boss arena. Unlike the original God Wars Dungeon, all instances do not cost any Coins. This means you are able to start and rejoin free for up to an hour once you have "paid" the initial hour's worth of followers.. He has a regular attack pattern which contains a few special attacks.


Prayer: Protect from Melee
Food/Pots: Overloads, Renewals, Super Antipoison, Super Restores and Saradomin Brews.Equipment: Helwyr is weak against stab. High tier melee gear is recommended. Amulet of souls is very effective here. Highest tier of berserker aura, or vampyrism aura you can purchase is very helpful. The boss can be easily defeated in T80+ armour, or Superior elite void.
Combat: Combat with Helwyr is very straight forward. Simply avoid the spores from the mushroom attack when it appears, and when he stands on his hind legs run through him to avoid his bleed effect.
Helwyr's Attacks (in order of occurrence)Mushroom Growth - Helwyr makes three random mushrooms grow. These then give off a green gas that damages players standing in it. The gas also forces the player to walk instead of run.Cleave - Helwyr stands on his rear legs and slashes in front of him. If a player is caught in the cone area in front of him they will be hit and will suffer a bleed effect. run through Helwyr to avoid this attack.
Frenzy - Helwyr jumps to a player and starts spinning around clawing at the nearby area. This deals high damage and will also start a bleed effect.
Howl - Helwyr howls and summons two Cywir Alphas to attack the player.
Twin Furies

Located in the North West corner of The Heart lies Zamorak's Rampart. Here you will find the entrance to fight The Twin Furies - Avaryss and Nymora - his generals. It requires level 80 Ranged to enter and contains a portal to the boss arena. Unlike the original God Wars Dungeon, all instances do not cost any Coins. This means you are able to start and rejoin free for up to an hour once you have "paid" the initial hour's worth of followers. The Twin Furies may be two NPCs, but they share the same hitpoints. They have a repetitive attack pattern which contains a few special attacks.


Prayer: SoulsplitFood/Pots: Overloads, Renewals, Super Restores and Saradomin Brews.
Equipment: High tier melee gear is recommended. Amulet of souls is very effective here. Highest tier of berserker aura, or vampyrism aura you can purchase is very helpful. The boss can be easily defeated in T80+ armour, or Superior elite void.
Combat: Combat with Twin Furies is as follows: focus on Nymora during Avaryss' wall charge. When Avaryss stops flying begin attacking him. Focus on Avaryss until the end of the channeled bomb phase. Repeat until you you've defeated them.Twin Furies Attacks (in order of occurrence)Wall Charge - Avaryss jumps onto the walls and flies off in a straight line. If players are hit, they are knocked back and damage is dealt. He will fly a total of 4 times.Ceiling Collapse - Nymora flies up into the ceiling and knocks down stalactites dealing damage everywhere across the arena except a 3X3 area beneath her. During this phase you will focus on Avaryss.
Channeled Bomb - Avaryss and Nymora fly to the center of the room and begin to charge their attack while a ring of fire surrounds the outer edges of the arena, damaging any players that stand within it. The sisters channel their powers in order to create an energy portal that shoots fire bolts that damage players. A blue bar above their heads will slowly fill up, when it fills the portal will explode and deal damage to all players within radius. During this phase damage is increased on both Avaryss and Nymora.
Vindicta and Gorvek


Located in the South West corner of The Heart lies Zaros's Bastion. Here you will find the entrance to fight Vindicta, his general. It requires level 80 Attack to enter and contains a portal to the boss arena. Unlike the original God Wars Dungeon, all instances do not cost any Coins. This means you are able to start and rejoin free for up to an hour once you have "paid" the initial hour's worth of followers. She has a repetitive attack pattern which contains a few special attacks.

Prayer: Protect from Melee, or you can use Soulsplit in T90+ gear with an Amulet of souls
Food/Pots: Overloads, Renewals, Super Restores and Saradomin Brews.
Equipment: High tier ranged gear is recommended with dragonbane bolts. Amulet of souls is very effective here if you are using Soulsplit. Highest tier of vampyrism aura you can purchase is very helpful. 
Combat: Combat with Vindicta & Gorvek is as follows: Simply attack Vindicta and beware of when she flies up. When she flies up be prepared to dodge a a wall of dragonfire. Repeat until you've defeated them Vindicta & Gorvek's Attacks
Hurricane - Vindicta spins on the spot dealing damage to all surrounding targets.Dragonfire - Vindicta uses her dragon, Gorvek, to breathe a wall of fire onto the ground. Standing in this fire deals a large amount of damage.


Located in the North East corner of The Heart lies Sliske's Necropolis. Here you will find the entrance to fight Gregorovic, his general. It requires level 80 Prayer to enter and contains a portal to the boss arena. Unlike the original God Wars Dungeon, all instances do not cost any Coins. This means you are able to start and rejoin free for up to an hour once you have "paid" the initial hour's worth of followers. He has a repetitive attack pattern which contains a few special attacks.

Prayer: Protect from RangeFood/Pots: Overloads, Renewals, Super Antipoison, Super Restores and Saradomin Brews. Equipment: High tier ranged gear is recommended. Farsight blood necklace is very effective here. Highest tier of vampyrism aura you can purchase is very helpful. 
Combat: Combat with Gregorovic is as follows: Simply attack Gregorovic from afar with range. When you see shadows appear on the ground, run to a tile that is safe to avoid his Glaive throw Gregorovic's Attacks Trick Knife - Gregorovic throws a knife that will bounce between players. 
Summon Spirit - Gregorovic summons a spirt of rage, delirium, or mania (depending on where he stands when he summons it). If they reach Sliske, they will empower him in a different manor depending on which spirit was summoned. They can increase his attack damage, poison damage, or attack speed respectively. 
Glaive Throw - Gregorovic throws his glaive into the air and shadows will appear on the arena floor. Daggers and knives will then fall and damage players standing under the shadows. 
Summon Shadow - He summons 2 or 3 shadows. Gregorovic is able to swap places with any of these shadows at one time.

Author: @E36 / 302




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